2qoUyA5Z_dCZfm9fgdP9C8qy3_M PC help desk: pc help desk

Monday, 22 October 2012

pc help desk

day to day life computer problems

     With the advancement in technology 
like wise the Cellphone has become a neccesity for a day to day life, 

 the computer has also become a part of our
 lifes and has become one of the very inportance neccesity of our lifes.

some  user of a computer are using it for mere entetainment

or fun purpose like checking e-mial, uisng facebook, chating

watching videos, playing Games etc

and some user are using it for work purpose.

But the most common parlence in computer user is a internet through which 

 they are connected worldwide.

this fact being true if a person is using a computer 
for sure it might be possible or in near future the user of the pc may be 
facing some problems on computer
for exmaple computer working slow, computer freeezes,blue screen or black screen errors,
 incoming spyware from e-mail, low performance of a computer,

low rating of a computer etc
But it is not the neccesity that everytime we face problem on our computerwe

need to go out for a technicians for their advise and please them

with money to fix up the pc problems and a time at a sam timethe one of the most important things

which we never recognise is informtion booklet which

 we get along with a purchase of a new computeror windows.

Most of computer problem whether it be a hardware or software problems

 the problems are not a huge problem if we donot panic over the problems.

 The most of the problems that we face on our computer can be 

solved by ourself.let us take a most basic example: my computer is working slow.

This may have many reason  like if we have a low virtual memory

 on our computer our computer will never work fast.

The other reason being huge spaces occupied by some temporory files and

  error and warning reports. this problems can esily 
resolved inspite of going to a local technicians. For example

 we can delete errors and warning reports manualy by clicking option

clears all event viewer logs its 
just a example i have provided  to make you all  explain that most

of the problems

 can be resolved easily without the help of any techncial

person or knowledge

even i am not a computer guy but once i face a problems with logon-ui errors  

 where whenever i start or try to shut down the computer
an log on errors cam up on my screen it was a very hard time for me 
but me inspite of going to any technicains.
i searched for this computer problems in internet then

 i realise that this problems was
in my computer because i installed some program but due to sudden

shut down and restart or auto rebooting
the programes couldnt be installed properly and some files got deleted.
when system was restarted.
simply i check for internet on my computer and download the files whic has

 been deleted from 
my computer and copied pasted it and my computer errors problems as solved.

so i  Guess most of the computer user are the normal user of the computer.

and we can easily resolve most of the problems that we face while

using computer in  day today life.

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