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Microsoft launches outlook.com (mailing services):

Recently, Microsoft has launched outlook.com an mailing services under the name of the well renowned software of Microsoft; i.e outlook. Outlook is currently accessible under preview. so for all the user, their is an option to sign up outlook.com mailing services. And for all those who already have an account with Hotmail or Live email then you can easily upgrade outlook.com using the same old mail id. what i mean to say is you can convert you mailing services into outlook.com.The interface of the outlook .com is based on windows phone and windows 8 OS by Microsoft. It means you will get a clean, uncluttered design and simple icons familiar and easy to use.Like Continue reading...

Up gradation to windows 8:

Most of the users who are using the computer are using the windows operating, because the reason being it’s a very efficient and easy to use operating. And after a years of hard work the windows 8 is developed and considered to be the best operating system ever of windows operating system. Since the Developer Preview of Windows 8 has marked its presence in the market, everyone from individual users, businesses whether SMBs or big, to antivirus vendors have been reviewing its features to determine whether continue reading

Technology that empowers me...

With the advancement of technology, we have left behind  many decades  and centuries and their has been a constant development in technology.The main reason for the advancement of technology is human nature to try to learn and adapt the new things, so that they can make their life survival easier.
if we go to era where human civilization started, at  from that point of time human being didn't have much knowledge or ideas about the technology.but slowly slowly and gradually with time they learn ed to ignite fire. and i would consider this as the first technology invention by the human being. gradually The main factor which was responsible for this great invention was
"Necessity is the mother of invention"
the reason being continue reading...

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