2qoUyA5Z_dCZfm9fgdP9C8qy3_M PC help desk: Is computer maintenance important?

Friday 4 January 2013

Is computer maintenance important?

Computer has become a part of our day to days life and there is too much dependency on computer, every moments, now and then. It importance can be felt from the fact, that most of the time we spent our time in front of the computer. It may not be wrong to say whether it be any reason “we have became slaves to the technology”. No one might have ever thought that the machine, which was invented for the mere calculation purpose would come out with such a great evolution and would become the necessity of 21st century, mans lives.
Now let me tell you that, you have got a computer, but you have no idea how to maintain it or you are just using the computer for some specific purpose, or you’re not a computer tech person. So here we would like to provide all the user of computer with the basic maintenance techniques, that can be done by the user them self, for the best and efficient utilization of their computer performances. Basically the computer maintenance is required because like wise any other machine it’s also the machine and gradually with the time it get depleted and obsolete. For example you have got a car, so don’t you go for the car servicing for its maintenance, like wise there should be proper maintenance to be done for the computers. And here I will tell you the easy step to maintain your computer. 
But before I would like to ask you have you ever check your computer performance over a period of a time. If you have done so, you might have seen that gradually with time the performance of your computer gets depleted, not just because of the fact your computer is old, it’s just because of the fact, that you didn't maintain your computer over the period of time.
So let me just give you the basic example with the help of the most common computer problems: slow computer. Have you ever across that your computer is becoming slower and sluggish as days are going by. The answer with the 80% of the user would be yes!! And they think that the reason is just because their computer is an old computer. But it’s not very true; it’s because of your computer required some maintenance. And the best solution for the slow computer problems is deleting the temporary files, registry cleaning and increasing your computer RAM if possible.
But, what ever I said before most of user head might be spinning around, as if a big puzzle in front of them. Because most of the user of computer are using the computer for some specific purpose only and they are happy with that and when any problems comes on their computer, they have got nothing except panic and fear on their mind.

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